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In the heart of Kruger National Park, where the vast African savannah plays host to an extraordinary spectacle of nature this captivating video highlights the immense flocks of red-billed queleas as they converge upon their breeding grounds, creating a mesmerizing sea of movement and sound. But amidst the chaos of their bustling colonies lies a fierce struggle for survival, as majestic eagles and formidable marabou storks descend upon the nests, preying upon the vulnerable quelea chicks.

No safari to Kruger National Park is complete without a visit to the Lake Panic Hide, situated a few kilometres away from the main camp, Skukuza. This hide is a birdwatcher’s paradise and offers unparalleled photographic opportunities for close-up shots of the wildlife and birds that inhabit and visit this pristine area in the heart of our flagship game reserve in South Africa. From Fish Eagles to Kingfishers, Herons to Hippos, something is exciting for everyone, young and old. Join us as we get to know some of the ‘locals’ and peep into their lives on a given day.

Welcome to our fascinating exploration of the unexpected world of poop – specifically, elephant dung – and its remarkable role in the bushveld and beyond. In this video, we’ll delve into the secret yet vital role that dung plays in nature, showcasing how this seemingly mundane waste material serves as a crucial ingredient in both animal food and, surprisingly, gin crafting. Join us as we uncover the hidden connections between the wild and human ingenuity, revealing the surprising symbiosis that exists within the natural world.

An evening drive in Kruger National Park turned into a fabulous sighting of lions attempting to feast on a buffalo they had killed. A drama unfolded between the lions and buffaloes as they tried to guard one of their fallen herd. This video takes you through the action that played out over two days with the lions and buffalo. This is a very popular video. 


Rock and Water Monitors are frequently found in campsites in Southern Africa. While they do have a dragon-like appearance, they are not normally aggressive to humans. In this video, we show some campsite visitations and a female who had laid a clutch of eggs near the ablution block in a campsite in the Kruger National Park.

The Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe is a place of untamed beauty and tranquillity. With majestic cliffs, peaceful rivers and animals of the African bushveld, it is a place that deserves to be explored and enjoyed. It’s a wilderness paradise filled with 400 species of birds and the Big Five, but its biggest drawcard is the lack of crowds, the feeling of isolation and a chance to relax in true wild camps. We stayed at Chilojo Cliffs Campsite and Chipinda Pools Campsite. What an experience!!

In Episode 2 we camp at Berg-en-Dal camp and continue our adventure exploring the southern part of Kruger National Park. With sightings of lions, rhinos, elephants and eagles, the park amazed us with the abundance of wildlife that inhabits the area.

In Episode 1, Kruger National Park is a vast untamed wilderness in the heart of South Africa. Join us as we explore the southern part of the park on an unforgettable adventure. From Pretoriuskop to Skukuza and south to Berg-en-Dal and Crocodile Bridge, the wildlife never disappoints.

For a brilliant opportunity to photograph Knysna Turacos (aka Knysna Loeries) and other forest birds, the bird hide at The Island Nature Reserve can’t be beaten. The Reserve undeniably earns its well-deserved reputation as the Eastern Cape’s best bird hide.

Nestled in the heart of South Africa’s Cape Floral Kingdom, Grootvadersbosch Nature Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a haven for fynbos flowers and the vibrant sunbirds and butterflies they attract. These delicate birds flutter among the blossoms, creating a captivating spectacle of colour and movement.

While it may be helpful for oxpeckers to remove ticks and parasites from their hosts, they do more sinister eating when they feast on the flesh and blood of open wounds. This can help to clean the wound, but more often than not, the birds make the wounds bigger and they take longer to heal. So are they friends or villains? You decide.

Matusadona National Park, situated on the southern shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe, is a natural theatre that presents some of nature’s wildest and most stunning shows. The birds and animals are the players in this theatre, and the lake and sky serve as the backdrop of the stage.

Mana Pools, a wild and untamed National Park in Northern Zimbabwe, is both a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a RAMSAR wetland of international importance. This area of unparalleled beauty offers wildlife encounters and unique photographic opportunities that draw visitors back time and again to enjoy one of the few remaining wildlife havens in the world.

Spend a few minutes enjoying the amazing wildlife in the Mountain Zebra National Park situated just 12 km outside the historic Eastern Cape town of Cradock, South Africa. This little haven of wilderness in the Great Karoo was established in 1937 to provide a protected area for the once-endangered Cape mountain zebra population, from which the park derives its name.

On a recent camping trip, we were taken on a culinary journey like no other, creating the strangest pizza ever witnessed. Join us as we take you through this unique pizza-making method.

On a walking safari at Mana Pools in Zimbabwe, our guide led us to a pool teeming with crocodiles and birds fishing. It was an enthralling sight, watching the symbiotic relationship between the birds and the crocs as they herded the fish into a small area. It was a Croc Fest. Normally, the birds would have been in danger of being eaten by the crocodiles, but there were enough fish to prevent this fate. This is a very popular video.

Enjoy a short video showing a Secretarybird extravaganza when up to fourteen of these magnificent birds flew into the Kang and Polentswa waterholes in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Life’s harsh realities become strikingly apparent when venturing into the wild, especially when exploring the diverse game parks of Africa. During a trip to Chobe National Park in Botswana, we came across the remains of a dead elephant. We see how there is life after death, as the elephant continues to sustain numerous creatures and insects.

A heartwarming interaction between a mother and baby hyena in Kruger National Park, as the baby, eyelids heavy with drowsiness, refuses to sleep and goes on to play mischievously.

Watch three exciting sightings (Cheetahs, Lanners & Lion) at the Craig Lockhardt waterhole in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park on two hot summer afternoons. Be sure to watch until the end so that you don’t miss any of the action.

In this short video, we share a delightful afternoon spent interacting with meerkats at the Kalahari Trails Meerkat Sanctuary located 35 km away from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa. From playing, to feeding and watching baby meer-kittens, we enjoyed the whole experience with these captivating little animals.

Experience the beauty of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park after the park was rejuvenated by abundant rains. The park, normally dry and arid, was transformed into a veritable Eden giving us amazing sightings of the animals against a verdant green backdrop. Appreciate nature’s generosity and discover why this park in the Kalahari draws us back year after year.

Enjoy watching a captivating video that showcases what we experienced in Kruger National Park in just twelve days. You’ll come to understand why we visit this park regularly and why we consider it one of the best places in the country to witness all these wildlife wonders. This particular visit took place in December 2021.

Watch a Giant Kingfisher indulging in a crab feast on the banks of the Okavango River in Botswana. This skilful dining ritual unfolded as we watched from our campsite early one evening.

Enjoy a short video showcasing the nesting of four different species of birds seen on a sunny day in the grounds of the Gweru Antelope Park in Zimbabwe. This privately owned park is rich in birdlife and a delight for photographers and bird lovers alike.

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