Monthly Archive: January 2010

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The Heroic Mongoose

“He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits. His eyes and the end of his restless...


African Wild Dogs – a rare treat

Encountering African wild dogs on a game drive is about as exciting as coming across a lion or a leopard.  These animals are endangered and it is a rare privilege to see them.  They...

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Aussenkehr & Norotshama

We have just returned from the most amazing visit to Norotshama, a resort in southern Namibia on the banks of the Orange River. Amazing because it was a long-overdue family reunion (more about that...

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Mantras – pathways to joy

I first became aware of and interested in mantras after visiting the Himalayas in 2002.  I wanted a Tibetan meditation cd and stumbled upon the famous Om Mani Padme Hum mantra whilst visiting a...

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Bird of the week – Week 1 : Pied Avocet

Take a walk along the beachfront at Walvis Bay and one of the most distinctive and easily recognizable birds to be seen wading in the shallow water is the black-and-white Pied Avocet. Appropriately named...