

Jane is an avid birder and nature enthusiast, whose deep love for travel, camping and exploring the natural world knows no bounds. Assisted by her nature-loving husband, Rob, a skilled photographer, they form a dynamic duo dedicated to visiting remote and breathtaking landscapes. With their camera lenses as their creative instruments, they capture the beauty of birds and wildlife, all while advocating tirelessly for conservation.

4 Responses

  1. Hi Rob

    I was in Kalagadi two years ago and me and my wife are going back in December. Last year we went up to Moremi, Savuti and Central Kahlahari. We were very surprised to find most of the camps privatized. Now I read your wonderful text from Polentswa in April and I just want to know if the camps are still up and running?

    PS I really enjoyed your site.

    Kind regards

    • blank Jane says:

      Hi Peter
      Yes, Polentswa and Rooiputs seem to remain part of Kgalagadi and haven’t (to our knowledge) been privatized like those in central and northern Botswana. The third campsite on the Botswana side is Two Rivers, but Rooiputs and Polenstwa are better situated and have more game. Enjoy your trip in December – and thanks for your kind comments about our website. Regards Rob

    • blank Sphinya says:

      A piece of correction —> Kgalagadi/Kalahari….not Kalagadi……..!!

  2. blank Sphinya says:


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