

Jane is an avid birder and nature enthusiast, whose deep love for travel, camping and exploring the natural world knows no bounds. Assisted by her nature-loving husband, Rob, a skilled photographer, they form a dynamic duo dedicated to visiting remote and breathtaking landscapes. With their camera lenses as their creative instruments, they capture the beauty of birds and wildlife, all while advocating tirelessly for conservation.

5 Responses

  1. What a wonderful post and beautiful photos! One wonders why after all the ages, mankind has soared in technology without the wisdom that they need to embrace the responsibility that comes with it.

  2. blank Mick says:

    My goodness photo competition competitors (you know who you are?), we are in serious trouble this month if Mom has photos like this?

    Awesome Mom, lucky they were taken last year, therefore do not qualify for this months competition. 🙂

  3. Good day

    Thank you for sharing our little piece of heaven with everybody. This is exactly what Makaranga Garden Lodge is all about! Rejuvenation!

    You captured so much through your stunning photo’s!! Well done!

    I would like to add another poem if you don’t mind. This was written on the opening day of the hotel by a friend of Makaranga named Ian McCallum:

    In every heart there is a garden, where the trees and the birds and the streams say one thing – “Here I am…where are you?”

    In every garden there is a path where every curve is a window into another world,which speaks – “Here I am…where are you?”

    In every garden there is a silence a place where one thing becomes something else and where the heart calls – “Here I am….. where are you?”

    Jaco Fourie, GM, Makaranga Garden Lodge (Durban, South Africa)

    • blank Jane says:

      Thank you Jaco for your comment and the added contribution. You are truly blessed to be one of the guardians of such a magic spot. We will be back!

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