Balladonia (A) to Norseman (B)
We are now operating on Western Australia time and first light is at six o’clock. So it was at six o’clock that I took to the road. It was cold and overcast, with not a breath of wind. Ideal weather for cycling. But my body was just not with the programme. I struggled from the outset and essentially struggled all day. The fact that there was a fair amount of climbing as the road crossed over the Fraser Ranges didn’t help, but in truth these hills are really nothing too daunting. Some of them are fairly long, but they are not steep enough to cause any undue strain.
Norseman may be regarded as the official end of the Nullabor Plains, but the terrain we passed through today bore little relation to that of the Plains proper. We passed through magnificent forests of eucalyptus, many of them with copper coloured trunks that were absolutely stunning in the morning sunlight. The forests were filled with the sounds of birds.

Gumtree forest
Approaching Norseman we passed several water filled pans, the first surface water that we have seen since starting the crossing. It was nice to see the number of ducks that had made themselves at home on these dams.
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