Day 29 – Tuesday – From Moora to Beyond Eneabba (155.23 km)

Moora (A) to Eneabba (B)

Moora (A) to Eneabba (B)

I left Moora and headed down the road to Dondaragan for about eleven kilometres before turning onto the North-East Road to Badgingarra. The road proved to be very slow going, with lots of uphills. In truth there were serial ups and downs, but my legs were aware only of the uphills.The scenery was spectacular with rolling farmlands of wheat, sheep and cattle interspersed with areas of conserved indigenous vegetation. A pleasant ride, made even more so by the fact that the traffic was very light and I had sole ownership of the road for long stretches. I was able to mentally lose myself in my surroundings. Actually it was probably more of a fatigue-induced haze.

On reaching Badgingarra I turned north onto the Brand Highway and immediately picked up the benefit of a strengthening tailwind. The highway was much busier than the back roads that we had used for the first part of the morning, with both commercial traffic in the form of trucks and road trains and also numerous family cars towing trailers or boats. Some folk apparently take an extended Easter break.

The road continued to be hilly, but the hills were definitely more gradual than those on the backroads and I had the benefit of the fresh wind moving up from the south. A tailwind always helps to flatten the uphills. My speed picked up appreciably as my legs revelled in having the air moving along in the same direction as they were.

I took my usual break at one hundred kilometres and then cycled on to Eneabba, grateful for the short day. Alas, Jane found that there was no caravan park at Eneabba! She established that there was one just twenty kilometres further north. This was not good news. When you think that you are done cycling for the day your legs go into their fireside mode quite quickly and do not wish to be further troubled.

But after just a short break it was onto the bike again. Twenty-two kilometres further on I reached the sign marking the caravan park that we had been told about and we bussed the bike the eight hundred metres down a very sandy road to what turned out to be a very pleasant caravan park.

We were given quite a thrill at the caravan park by the sighting of numerous white-tailed black cockatoos, apparently rather rare and on the endangered list. Quite handsome they are.

Cycling | Day 27 | Day 30

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