Tagged: San Bushmen

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Spitzkoppe Revisited

One of our favourite areas in Namibia is the Erongo region and we’ve spent many happy hours exploring this amazing part of the country.  It is here that one finds the majestic Spitzkoppe mountains...

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Off the beaten track – Tsumkwe to Nokaneng

We’ve written before about how our love of birds has taken us all over the country.  We’ve just returned from yet another trip that was moulded around seeing breeding colonies of the strikingly beautiful...

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Omandumba – touching the silence

Geologists would tell you that the Erongo Mountains are rich with minerals and gemstones like aquamarine, schorl, jeremejevite, quartz, fluorite and garnets (amongst others), but I have news for you, these mesmerizing mountains are...

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