Day 6 - Groblershoop to Griekwastad

Day 6 - Groblershoop to Griekwastad

Day 6 – We set off from Boegoeberg Dam well before 5.00am for the drive to Groblershoop and the spot where I had stopped cycling the day before, the turnoff to Griekwastad. We made good time in spite of the narrow dirt road and I was able to start cycling at about 5.30am. It was cool at the start and the sun did not seem quite as fierce when it first rose into a clear sky.

The nightmares of the second day had faded and I found myself enjoying the ride. The rolling countryside was challenging, but made for an interesting ride. This is what I had envisaged when I planned the tour. Warm sun, but not overbearingly hot; a rolling countryside of interesting scenery; the bike functioning the way the makers intended and legs that were enjoying turning in their private little orbits.

But this never lasts, does it? And where would the challenge be if it did?

My front wheel became a source of concern, dragging me from my comfortable reverie as some of the spokes began rattling loosely. My efforts at tightening them were unsuccessful and I would have to do the job properly when the ride was over for the day.

As the day wore on my legs became tired and there were times when I seemed to be making very little headway. Several steep hills (which probably weren’t really that steep at all!) as the road climbed the low range of the Asbestos Mountains took their toll and I was greatly pleased to eventually reach the historical village of Griekwastad or Griquatown and the end of the day’s ride.

We decided not to stay overnight in Griekwastad and drove on to Kimberly instead, where we booked into a B&B for three nights. What luxury! We were able to unpack the car for the first time in a week and consider this to be our base for a few days. Camping is fun, but when you are really tired it does take its toll. When the weather is really hot a tent offers very little protection from the sun, at least the modest little tent that we use. The air inside heats up until it is more appropriate for the baking of bread than for an afternoon nap. At night it becomes cooler, but lacks the comfort required by aching muscles in order to have an uninterrupted eight hours of rest.

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2 Responses

  1. debra says:

    hey help if you can
    we are planning to head off via via from durban ultimately to get to felix and orange river rafting 4 nights where should we stay en route – we will be in our jurgens oryx and have from 26 march – 31 march to get there river four nights off on 5 april until 10 april to get back to durbs – sugestions ideas etc we are open and love exploring just us 2 adults maybe 4 shpuld we squeeze in fish river and richtersveld then augrabies after the river??????????? LOL

    • Jane says:

      Khamkirri on the Augrabies is really nice for camping and sightseeing. Norotshama is also great for camping and from there you can go either to the Richtersveld or Fish River Canyon. Plenty to see and do around those areas. Good luck with your trip. Enjoy

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