Monthly Archive: March 2013

Winging It – European bee-eater 0

Winging It – European bee-eater

—oOo— Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul – the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.   Napoleon Hill —oOo— European bee-eater Related Images:

Winging It – Crimson-breasted shrike. 0

Winging It – Crimson-breasted shrike.

Winging It is a collection of inspirational sayings, some humour and some personal insights – in fact anything that we feel compelled to share.  We hope that you enjoy the photo that appears each...

Winging It – Something New 0

Winging It – Something New

Welcome to the first of our Winging It daily thoughts.  Winging It will be a collection of inspirational sayings, some humour and some personal insights – in fact anything that we feel compelled to...

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Lilac-breasted roller eating a snake

Hello, hello!!  What have we got here?  Looks like it could be interesting …….  I think I’ll check it out.   So someone ran over a snake.  Well, that’s surely good news for me. ...

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Black Wildebeest – The Gnu that’s not the Blue!

Tucked away in a far corner of South Africa, near the bustling town of Mafikeng, is a little game reserve called Botsalano.  Although it isn’t one of the more famous game reserves in the...

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Khwai Me A River

Botswana has many amazing campsites, especially in the Okavango Delta, and they can be jolly pricey to stay at too.  Just occasionally you strike it lucky and come across a place that was merely...